(Part 2) Dispatches from home: North High students reflect on life in shutdown

Since the governor issued a stay at home order and schools closed, our North High student journalists have been reporting from their new versions of normal. They’re spending a lot of time with Netflix and their cats. They’re staying up late and getting their distance learning assignments done. They’re finding creative ways to stay in touch with each other. Some are essential workers. Others are coping with boredom and the stresses of being cooped up. Here are a few of the updates they’ve sent to North News.

Sophomore Timya Carlisle draws her frustration with the coronavirus and the ongoing school closures. Illustration by Timya Carlisle

Sophomore Timya Carlisle draws her frustration with the coronavirus and the ongoing school closures. Illustration by Timya Carlisle

Thidathip Crockett, junior:

Quarantine ending the school year early and having to do distance learning makes me feel many different emotions: happy, sad, mad, and a little anxious. I’m happy because I don’t have to see those very annoying kids and teachers. I’m sad because there are some teachers such as Mr. G, Mr. Wilbur, Mr. Capelle, Mr. Groettum, and Lach, just to name a couple of my faves, that I will miss seeing each day and interacting with. I’m mad because I feel like this pandemic is totally screwing up my chances of getting physical, hands-on help with school work, and there are times when this school work gets tough, and I need help right then and there, not in 15 mins after I have emailed my teacher asking for it. It has nothing to do with the teachers but everything to do with this pandemic. Also, I have no idea what we're going to do about the ACT and SAT tests. Lastly I’m anxious because next year is the very last year of high school, and that’s something that is really big for me and every other junior going into their senior year of highschool. I really hope that my senior year isn’t cut short like the seniors this year.

This fall what I’m looking forward to the most is being a senior! It is my time to take these final steps to secure my future and my bag! I am excited, but I’m also very nervous and a little anxious. I know that the process to apply for colleges and scholarships will be very stressful and difficult at times, but by then I plan on having a very strong self-motivation system. My junior year definitely didn’t go as well as I planned it would, but I know that if I still try and put in the right amount of effort in the right places, I’ll still be able to secure my future and have a successful life after high school. Many students have left North on sports scholarships. With me being probably the least athletic person at North, I would like to get academic scholarships and go to a good college out of state with an AMAZING  journalism, sociology, and/or psychology program. I would like to major in broadcast journalism and minor in sociology or psychology. I have very big dreams and plan on achieving them even though high school hasn’t been ideal for me. I have a vision of my future and plan on making that vision reality.  

Maliah Burns, junior:

My junior year of high school was very hard for me, especially after January. I took as many breaks as I needed, and they still weren’t enough. With school being closed for the rest of the year, I’m happy. I was struggling somewhat and needed a break. 

I’ve been an introvert all my life, so I’m happy about school closing for the rest of the year. The one friend that I had at North, I see her occasionally, so I miss nothing or no one. Although I’m happy, I was looking forward to taking my ACT and AP Exams the typical way. I’m very upset that we’ll have to reschedule and go out of our way to take our exams. 

I’ll be looking forward to my senior year of high school this fall. Whether it’s online for a small portion or at school, I’m looking forward to it. I’m excited for senior pictures, prom, and things like that. My family is as well. I’m also excited to further my education in the fall. I’ll sign up for PSEO and begin taking college courses to boost myself up.

Jorja Brown-Skinner, sophomore:

I miss so many things about going to school. I will miss the people, doing dances, cheering at games, going to get food after school or walking to the park, staying after school and going to Younglife, watching people play different games there, eating and just hanging out and enjoying ourselves. We used to have big Uno games in class and it would be so fun. We would run around the halls and play fight. Now we can’t really do any of that until next year but some people will be gone (the seniors).

I can’t wait to go back to school in the fall. It’ll be the first time in a long time that I will be truly excited for school. I’m going to catch up with people and attempt to make new friends. Hopefully time will go by fast so I can get back to cheering. I can’t wait to see if we get new cheerleaders. I’ll welcome them with open arms as my little or big cheer sisters, helping them with whatever they need and always being there for them. I hope we go on lots of field trips to new exciting places. I hope the work isn’t that hard but still challenges us. I hope we can all succeed and finish the year with the best grades we possibly can so that we can have colleges looking at us academically. I can't wait to see how much people change in the future (hopefully for the better) and be extremely successful.

Amina Creary, junior:

I feel somewhat happy that we are not going back to school. We still have work to do, and we are keeping each other safe by not attending school. I am very happy that my teachers are getting paid even though they are not at school. I am thankful that we all kind of got to have a fresh start in life. A lot of people are dying because we were not prepared for this outbreak, and I think this at this point, we should learn from all of this when this is all over. We all should cherish the ones we love most because you never know what will happen.  

I’m frustrated that people are dying from COVID-19 and the President of the the United States is talking about opening America again. Some people might think that that is a good idea, but I think that more people will die because of it and America will have to be shut down again. I am really happy that my family in Jamaica is doing well. My cousin in Florida that had the coronavirus got tested again and they said she is “negative’’ now, so that’s good. I am sad for people who can not isolate themselves because they are homeless. They're very vulnerable to the virus because they are constantly exposed to others. I’m also sad for the families that lost loved ones.

I miss being able to talk with my teacher’s about whatever and having classes with my friends and asking for help when I do not understand my work. I am not missing getting up in the early morning for school, but I am really looking forward to seeing the new faces for next year and being able to be a leader for the younger students.          

Elisha Jackson, Sr.

Elisha Jackson, Sr.

Ramiyah Jackson, junior, interviewed her dad, Elisha Jackson, about his experiences during the pandemic.

Elisha Jackson, Sr. is married with three children. He was born in Minnesota and over the years he and his wife made a business called Altimax, where he basically draws for people who need illustrations for books and their businesses. He recently illustrated a book for Tina Turner called Shhh, Don’t Tell Nobody!

What makes you mad about being in the house all day? Not being able to socialize with friends and other people, not being able to go out into stores and kind walk around and be out there with nature and people.

What makes you happy about being in the house all day? More family time.

What are your thoughts on the pandemic. Like do you think we will be okay? Or not? I think we’ll be okay. I think we alway figure out a way to be okay. 

How do you feel about your kids being home for a long period of time? I absolutely love it. 

What do you fear about the pandemic? My hope is it being done soon.

Do you think it’s harder to get essential things for your family? I’m not going to say harder, I’m just gonna say it takes more time because of the fact that businesses and things are closed down right now. I tried to order some toilet paper online, and it's taking  weeks to get here. We have to learn how to be patient now more than ever.

You and your wife own a business. Is it hard to keep going with the business or is it just fine? It just requires work. It's not harder to do a business, it just requires a lot of diligence and consistency and determination. You just have to work at it. Having your own business can be a good thing, but you can hang yourself with it if you don’t do anything with it.

What’s a good scripture that people can read to be encouraged? Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Looking at this pandemic, even though it doesn't look good, in some way all things  work together for the good. I don’t like the fact that people have died and the number of people that contracted it, but at the same time, it allows people to recognize what’s actually important. It's not jobs, it's not money, it's not cars and houses and how much you accumulate, it is about family and that’s what's more important. 

What’s something positive you can say for people that are going through this pandemic? Keep the faith and fight. Have friends and family around. Find something fun to do to just keep yourself going. Depend on God.

Annette Brown.

Annette Brown.

Jorja Brown-Skinner, sophomore, interviewed her mom, Annette Brown, about her experiences during the pandemic.

I interviewed my mom Annette because she is working as a PCA worker for an elderly man, and she also works at NorthPoint’s food shelf. It looks like a grocery store just smaller. She’s a very kind person and loves taking care of people. Homeless people can come into the food shelf and get help shopping for whatever they need. She goes to work at the food shelf from Monday to Friday and she is a PCA worker on Wednesdays, Thursdays and sometimes Saturdays so she comes home late on Wednesday and Thursday. She does a lot of work at the food shelf so when she comes home she is very tired and a little stressed. She has to help people, do data entry, pre pack orders, carry large boxes, unload shipments, and restock shelves. At her job as a PCA, she cooks, cleans, drives her client places, buys groceries, and sits and watches TV with him.

How has your life changed since the pandemic started? It has changed because It's been overwhelming and dramatic. I am an essential worker.

What’s your daily routine at the food shelf? Has it changed since quarantine started? My daily routine is to go to work and prepare pre-packed boxes and unload shipments that come in every day. It has changed because people used to come in, shop, and get the items that they want. Now everything is pre-packed because we're doing social distancing.

Are you ready to get back to our normal lives? What do you miss the most? Yes. I miss being outside, spending time with family, and not being overworked and underpaid at my job.

Has the quarantine affected any of your plans this spring? What were they? Quarantine has made me miss family gatherings, being able to work more hours with clients. I’ve also missed doing something for my birthday.

How long do you think we’ll be kept in quarantine? Do you think we should get out sooner or later than that? I think they’re going to keep us in for a long time. I think we should get out of quarantine when we’re ready.

What are some positive things that you can say about the quarantine? What are the negative things about quarantine? I don’t think they’re is any positives besides stopping the spread. The negatives are not being able to go where we want and enjoy time with others.

Once the quarantine is lifted, how will you spend your first day? I will spend my first day by spending all my birthday money. I will play with my family, I will go see lots of people. I will run the streets until I can’t run any more.

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