New sports guidelines outlined by Minnesota Department of Health
Balancing the tasks of minimizing the spread of the virus and allowing Minnesotans to stay active is the goal.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) released new advice on how to participate in sports during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As of June 24, youth sports games and scrimmages are allowed to resume. On July 1 the same will be true for indoor sports.
Photo courtesy of the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board
With these new developments in mind, the MDH reminds coaches, staff and spectators to practice social distancing and to wear face-coverings at all times. As has been true for the past few months, frequent hand washing, sanitization and keeping hands away from faces is crucial. Additionally, organizations that host games need to plan ways to uphold MDH guidelines.
As players get back on the field, comradery, sportsmanship and practice will look a bit different. For the health and safety of all, players ought to avoid sharing water bottles, snacks and towels. Instead of shaking opponents’ hands, tip a hat. Make sure there’s distance between participants on the bench or in the dugout. Have friends and family stay home or attend practices from their cars to avoid crowding.